Midwest Archives Conference Statement on Recent Actions by the Trump AdministrationThe Council of the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) is alarmed by the recent firing of the Archivist of the United States on February 7, 2025. MAC supports recent statements made by the leadership of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and the American Historical Association (AHA) regarding the dismissal of the Archivist of the United States, Dr. Colleen J. Shogan, on February 7, 2025, without stated cause, and the widespread firing of archivists and cultural heritage workers at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the National Park Service, and other government agencies. According to federal law, the Archivist of the United States is a nonpartisan role, “appointed without regard to political affirmations and solely on the basis of the professional qualifications required to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office of Archivist.” Federal law (44 U.S.C. Chapter 21 § 2103) also requires that “The President shall communicate the reasons for any such removal to each House of the Congress.” Federal archives are foundational infrastructure for a democratic society, and all federal employees who work with archives serve a vital function for the United States. Staffing decisions which compromise the livelihoods of thousands of individuals, jeopardize NARA’s mission to preserve and provide access to the essential records of the federal government and to ensure the transparency and accountability of the historical record. MAC reaffirms the importance of archives as crucial institutions of social memory, informing future generations of our history, identity, and legacy. MAC will continue to monitor the situation at federal institutions and support federal archivists and cultural heritage workers across the Midwest region. Please remember your voice and your actions matter! Advocate for the profession and your beliefs. Take a moment to contact your legislators today in support of maintaining funding for NARA and other federal agencies, as well as the federal support that hundreds of repositories rely on, to stay true to archives’ most fundamental principles. Support your colleagues. Recommend a student archivist or first time conference attendee to apply for one of MAC’s financial awards. Attend the MAC Members’ Meeting in April to vote on new membership tiers to provide financial assistance to colleagues affected by recent layoffs. Need additional support? Reach out to MAC leadership. Check out this amazing D&I Resource List, compiled by our colleagues at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference. Unanimously approved by MAC Council on February 24, 2025. AHA Letter to White House Regarding Dismissal of US Archivist SAA Condemns Widespread Firing of Archivists and Cultural Heritage Workers |