MAC Distinguished Service AwardThe President's Award committee is also responsible for collecting nominations and passing recommendations to Council for the MAC Distinguished Service Award, which is presented at the Awards Luncheon at the spring meeting. Purpose The MAC Distinguished Service Award is given in recognition of significant contributions to the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) and/or to the archival profession in the Midwest by an active MAC member. The award may be given posthumously. Candidates for the Distinguished Service Award must have made remarkable contributions to MAC or to the archival profession during their archival career. Significant contributions may include, but are not limited to, extensive or superior volunteer work in an elected or appointed role within MAC; unusually important innovation, leadership, or crisis management; and notable success in expanding the visibility and/or support of MAC. Outstanding contributions to the archival community may include striking work or activities that have dramatically improved the preservation of or accessibility to historically valuable documents or records, or that have resulted in a significantly better public appreciation of archival work and activities. Eligibility Remarkable service to MAC may include, but is not limited to, extensive and/or superior volunteer work in elected, appointed, or "unofficial" but definable roles within MAC; unusually important innovation, leadership, or crisis management; and notable success in expanding the visibility of and/or support for the conference. Outstanding contributions to the archival community in the Midwest may include striking work or activities that have dramatically improved the preservation of or accessibility to historically valuable documents or records, or that have resulted in a significantly better public appreciation of archival work and activities. A. Nominee must be an individual member of MAC. B. Nominee must have performed remarkable service to MAC or nominee must have made outstanding contributions to the archival community in the states that comprise MAC. Because elected office carries with it the inherent reward of greater professional visibility and prestige, greater weight will be given to appointed service (at any level) and to "unofficial" service than to elected service. In no way, however, shall elected service bar any member from receiving the award. C. Nominee must have been a MAC member for more than 5 years, not necessarily consecutive. D. Because of their service on the awarding committee, Presidents of MAC are ineligible for nomination or award during their presidential term and for ten (10) years after the end of their presidential term. Distinguished Service Award Guidelines Download the nomination form to nominate an individual for the Distinguished Service Award. Past Awardees2020: Dr. Kären Mason (Curator, Iowa Women's Archives)
2010: Janet Olson
2002: Mona Wei
2000: Marion Matters (posthumously)
For more information, please contact: David F. McCartney