MAC Position Statements

The MAC Council may take a position on an issue of importance to the profession, the association, or the communities we serve. Following are ways you can keep up to date on advocacy issues across the cultural heritage profession. At the bottom of the page you will find links to official MAC Council position statements.

Last updated March 21, 2025:

As executive orders continue to reduce and eliminate the federal cultural heritage workforce, the proper disposition of our nation’s records and the financial support many cultural heritage organizations count on to fulfill their missions is in jeopardy. Here’s how to stay abreast of current news and find out how you can take a stand in support of libraries, archives, and museums.

Follow Professional Organizations
National library, archival, and museum organizations are leading the way to provide you with the information you need to stay up to date with ongoing issues affecting the cultural heritage professions and how you can respond. Right now, regarding the March 14 executive order, Continuing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy, directing further cuts to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, you can find statements and links to resources from the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) and American Library Association (ALA). Currently, the Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) response to the destruction of records at USAID is available. On March 13, the American Historical Organization with the Organization of American Historians posted a joint statement on March 13 condemning “recent efforts to censor historical content on federal government websites, at many public museums, and across a wide swath of government resources that include essential data.”

These organizations provide language and templates you can use to call and write your elected officials today, as well as other resources to help you effectively advocate for your institution and the work you do. ALA has prepared a Show Up for Our Libraries campaign with resources that can be used at the national, state, and local level. AAM has a Call to Action geared towards the public, to engage your institution’s users and supporters in the advocacy of our work, while SAA provides Resources for Federal Workers, which includes a year of free membership. Additionally, you can sign up to “Take Action for Libraries” at EveryLibrary, the nation's first and only political action committee for libraries and organized as a 501(c)4. Their platform can help you act in support of libraries at the local level through volunteering, financial donations, taking the pledge for libraries, or signing petitions.

Support Your Colleagues

Recommend a student archivist or first-time conference attendee to apply for one of MAC’s financial awards. Vote in MAC elections for the candidates you feel best support your views. Volunteer to help support the work of MAC. If you are able, donate in support of MAC’s scholarship funds, operating budget, or educational programs. And if you need additional support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to MAC leadership—we are here to support you.


Statement on Recent Actions by the Trump Administration

The Council of the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) is alarmed by the recent firing of the Archivist of the United States and the widespread firing of archivists and cultural heritage workers at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the National Park Service, and other government agencies. Please read the full statement passed unanimously by the MAC Council on February 24, 2025.


Statement opposing Ohio HB327

The Midwest Archives Conference stands behind the Society of Ohio Archivists in opposing Ohio HB327, noting that the bill "infringes upon free speech and interferes with the teaching and research work of not just archivists, but librarians, teachers, professors, and workplace educators." Please read the full Statement opposing Ohio HB327.


Statement in Support of LGBTQ+ History and the Exhibit "Making History: Kansas City and the Rise of Gay Rights"

The Midwest Archives Conference unequivocally condemns the removal of the Making History: Kansas City and the Rise of Gay Rights exhibit from the Missouri state capitol rotunda. Please read the Statement of Support of LGBTQ+ History.

MAC Council's Antiracism Statement in Support of the AAPI Community

The Midwest Archives Conference stands in solidarity with the Asian American Pacific Islander community within MAC, the Midwest, and the nation. Please read the MAC Council's Antiracism Statement in Support of the AAPI Community


Statement on George Floyd (June 3, 2020)

The Midwest Archives Conference condemns the senseless murder of George Floyd, and countless others, by the police. Read MAC Council's full statement unanimously passed on June 3, 2020.