Call for MAC Poster PresentationsThe Midwest Archives Conference will convene for its annual meeting May 5-7, 2022, in Madison, Wisconsin. Poster Proposals:The 2022 Program Committee invites poster proposal submissions on all aspects of archival practice and research, as well as from allied and related fields. The Program Committee seeks a diverse slate of presenters representing a variety of personal and institutional backgrounds, perspectives, and voices. We seek to foster a culture of inclusion in the MAC program and encourage submissions from anyone who is interested in presenting, including students, new professionals, first-time presenters, and those from allied professions. MAC membership is not required to present. Proposals are due January 18, 2022. Poster presentations will be onsite only. Proposal Evaluation:The Program Committee will evaluate all proposals submitted by the deadline. Proposals will be evaluated in two ways: Merit and clarity of the 1750-character abstract; and completeness of the proposal, particularly having well-developed content to understand all relevant aspects of the topic. Individuals with proposals chosen for inclusion in the MAC 2022 Annual Meeting will be notified in February 2022. To submit a proposal, please fill out the Google Form. The deadline for submitting poster proposals for the 2022 MAC Annual Meeting is January 18, 2022. Please note that this year there will also be an opportunity to submit a pop-up session, voted upon by the MAC membership and meeting attendees. You are welcome to submit both a poster and pop-up session on the same topic; however, only one or the other will be accepted. We look forward to seeing you in Wisconsin! Poster Prizes:Prizes, to be determined, will be awarded for posters based on the following criteria:
Poster Session Tips:Poster sessions are a means to communicate and exchange ideas, programs, research, and projects to fellow MAC meeting attendees. Poster sessions may present any of the following:
Posters typically include pictures, data, graphs, diagrams and narrative text on paper backing that are approximately 36x24 inches. Authors are required to present their posters in person during scheduled times during the meeting (Friday morning and afternoon breaks). These presentations are more like elevator speeches that summarize the poster content with attendees that stop by the poster to view it and ask questions. Helpful tips on creating posters are available at these links:
Poster sessions cannot be used to advertise products or to display vendor items. If you are unsure if your proposal qualifies or if you generally have questions about the poster submission process, please email Matt Gorzalski (mgorzalski [at], Micaela Terronez (micaelaterronez [at] and/or Michelle McClellan (mmcclel [at], 2022 Poster Session Co-Coordinators. Frequently Asked Questions:1. Question: Will MAC pay my travel expenses and/or registration fee to attend the annual meeting if I am presenting a poster?